Thursday, February 05, 2009

Just back from a great four day backpacking trip in eastern Grand Canyon. Spent three nights at Hance Creek, camping in one of the well-used sites near where the Tonto East trail crosses the creek.

My objectives for this trip were (1) to complete those sections of the Tonto East trail that I hadn't already hiked on, (2) to complete the hike down Hance Creek to the Colorado River at Sockdolager Rapids, and (3) time permitting, to continue upriver along the Escalante Route to resolve a question about an alternative route down from the eastern rim of Seventy-Five Mile Canyon near the river.

All three objectives were accomplished, plus a fourth: I climbed out of Hance Creek directly to the Tapeats rim at the point overlooking the mouth of the creek and the rapids. This last was a crazy climb out and a better route is almost certainly possible. In hindsight it probably wasn't so smart to do this solo, since there were a few points on the way that were precarious and exposed (and as Tom Martin sometimes says "you are a long way from help here"). Once I reached the base of the Tapeats cliff, I'd planned to exit via the abandoned trail found on my previous hike (Sept 2006). However, I noticed a track along the cliff base leading to a cairned break in the Tapeats, which I decided to explore instead. This exit went easily enough, although the trail would have been a much easier alternative. Once atop the plateau, I found myself no more than 100 yards west of the large cairn marking the entry point of the abandoned trail. Wayne Tomasi mentions that this trail is sometimes called the Grand Esplanade Route. It seems likely that the trail existing as a sightseeing route for tourists, much like today's Plateau Point trail. In other words, it doesn't lead down to the river, or "to" anything other than a fantastic view.